Statutes VW Beetle club Olomouc Z.S.
VW Beetle club Olomouc, Z.S.
Basic provision
The association called the first VW Beetle club Olomouc, Z.S. (Hereinafter Beetle Club) is self-governing and voluntary union members who run the sport, educational and training activities. Head Beetle club at Bělidla 259, 779 00 Olomouc.
Purpose, major and minor league action
1. The principal purpose and main activity Beetle club:
a) operate an automobile club
b) organizing meetings, trips and events connected with VW vehicles
c) participation in rallies, competitions and racing cars
d) to organize meetings, competitions and racing cars
e) VW lovers engage in a meaningful leisure time,
f) operate within the sport participation in sports, fitness and other activities, this activity organize and create for her material and training conditions,
g) to create a wide range of use of its venues for interested members of the public, especially youth,
h) to build, operate and maintain sports and other facilities that owns or uses,
i) encourage their members and others interested in the sport to respect fundamental sporting, ethical, aesthetic and moral rules,
j) to defend the interests of its members, for this purpose, to cooperate with state and local governments with other sports organizations and individuals,
k) provide in sport education of its members, their training
l) other forms of their activities promote the development of public life, culture, health, etc. in place of their competence, in particular through other community activities and educational activities.
2. Beetle club can exclusively to support its core activities run side-economic activity of the business or profession.
Authorities Beetle Club
1. The authorities Beetle Club are:
a) General Assembly as the highest authority,
b) Executive Committee as a statutory body,
c) Audit Commission as a body control.
2. The General Meeting.
1.2 The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Beetle club. The General Assembly consists of all members.
2.2 General Meeting shall be convened by the Executive Committee at least once a year. The General Assembly is convened by invitation sent to members, either at your home address, or email address. The invitation will also be published on the website of the Beetle club.
2.3 The invitation must always contain at least the time and place of the meeting and the agenda of the General Meeting. The invitation must be sent at least 30 days prior to the General Meeting.
2.4 The Executive Committee is also obliged to convene a general meeting at the initiative of at least 2/3 of the members of the association older than 18 years or at the initiative of the Audit Commission. If not convene in this case the Executive Committee General Meeting within 30 days of receipt of proper initiative is the one who gave, entitled to convene the General Meeting itself.
2.5 General Meetings can be withdrawn or delayed way convened.
2.6 To the General Meeting include in particular:
a) decision to cancel the association with liquidation or to his conversion, ie. approval of the merger or division,
b) a decision to amend the Articles of Association, including changing the name and symbolism Beetle club; decision to transfer, however, falls within the scope of the Executive Committee,
c) election and dismissal of members of the executive committee and the selection and dismissal of the Chairman,
d) election and dismissal of members of the Audit Commission,
e) Decision on the establishment, cancellation or conversion of branch association,
f) approval of the income,
g) deciding on the disposition of real property Beetle Club
h) identification of the main lines of action Beetle club
i) approval of the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting, election rules, or other internal regulations under the statutes,
j) approval of the amount and due date of membership fees,
k) decision on the proposal for a member to review the decision on his expulsion,
2.7 The General Meeting shall have a quorum in the presence of an absolute majority of its participants with a decisive vote. In case that half an hour after the planned start is not an absolute majority of participants decisive vote, the general meeting of the quorum present.
2.8 The resolution of the General Meeting is required absolute majority of those present, unless these statutes tells you something else.
2.9. K platnosti usnesení o zrušení spolku či jeho přeměně a k rozhodnutí o změně stanov je potřeba alespoň 3/5 většina přítomných.
2.10. O záležitosti, která nebyla uvedena v pozvánce jako bod programu jednání, lze jednat a rozhodnout o ní v případě, že s tím souhlasí alespoň 3/5 většina přítomných. To neplatí pro rozhodování o zrušení nebo přeměně spolku nebo pro rozhodnutí o změně stanov. O těchto záležitostech lze v takovém případě jednat jen za účasti a se souhlasem všech, kdo jsou oprávněni účastnit se valné hromady s hlasem rozhodujícím.
2.11. Zasedání valné hromady řídí až do zvolení předsedajícího valné hromady předseda Brouk klubu nebo pověřený člen výkonného výboru. Blíže upravuje průběh zasedání valné hromady její jednací řád. V případě volební valné hromady též její volební řád.
2.12 Of General Meeting Minutes are taken of which must be clear who convened the meeting, which took place who had initiated and chaired by what other organs of the General Meeting were selected and what was the resolution. Each member association is entitled to inspect the minutes at the headquarters of the Beetle club, in the days and hours.
3. The Executive Committee
1.3 The Executive Committee is the governing body Beetle club. The Executive Committee acts on behalf of the Beetle club, in accordance with the decision of the General Meeting. In case the Executive Committee acts on behalf Beetle Club in conflict with these decisions must compensate the club Beetle damage that causes this behavior.
2.3 The Executive Committee consists of the President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each of the members of the Executive Committee shall be signed on behalf of the Beetle club separately so that the printed or written name of the Beetle club joins his signature isolated.
3.3 The Executive Committee ensures the fulfillment of the main and secondary activity Beetle Club in the period between sessions of the General Assembly.
3.4 The Executive Committee has a number of members determined generally by the size of the Member fundamentals of each meeting. Member of the Executive Committee chairman is always as a statutory body Beetle club. The number of Executive Committee members must be odd. The term of office of members of the Executive Committee shall be five years, unless the General Assembly decides otherwise.
3.5 The Executive Committee shall be convened by the Chairman or if the Chairman does not do so or can not do, another member of the Executive Committee, and as necessary, but at least once a month.
3.6 The Executive Committee shall be a quorum if an absolute majority of its members. The resolution of the Executive Committee needs the approval of a simple majority of those present.
3.7 The scope of the Executive Committee has a decision in all matters, unless assigned by these statutes under the exclusive competence of the general meeting or any other authorities Beetle club.
3.8 The Executive Committee shall in particular:
a) provides for implementation of the resolutions and decisions of the General Meeting, take the appropriate decisions and measures for their implementation,
b) organizes and manages the Beetle club
c) approves and publishes internal regulations Beetle club if their issue is not expressly delegated to the General Meeting,
d) prepares documents for the actions and decisions of the General Meeting,
e) ensure the efficient use and maintenance of the property Beetle Club
f) provides operational cooperation with state and local governments,
g) decide to expel a member under the terms of these statutes.
4. Control Commission
1.4 The Committee supervises if matters Beetle club properly maintained and in case the Beetle club activities in accordance with the laws, statutes or other internal regulations Beetle club.
2.4 The Audit Commission has three members. Membership in the Control Commission is incompatible with the duties of the statutory body, member of the Executive Committee or the performance of a liquidator.
3.4 The term of office of members of the supervisory board is five years, unless the General Assembly decides otherwise.
4.4 The Audit Commission elects from its members the President to act on its behalf in relation to the authorities Beetle club, via branch associations and members of the Beetle club.
4.5 Beetle control the activities carried out by the Audit Commission of the club based on your plan or serious initiative on the part of other bodies Beetle club of branch associations or members of the Beetle club. The scope of the audit committee's member authorized to inspect the required documents and demand from other bodies Beetle club, or employees of explanation on the matter.
4.6 The scope of the audit committee include, in particular:
a) management controls Beetle Club
b) management sections,
c) control of the management of grants or other special purpose funds provided from the state budget or other public budgets, both Beetle club and partitions,
4.7 Where the audit committee shortcomings pointed out by them without undue delay Executive Committee and subsequently the General Assembly at its next session.
A) Membership Types
1. Membership in the club Beetle can be of various kinds. With different types of membership are linked to different membership rights and obligations.
2. Membership is divided as follows:
a) proper
b) associate
c) fair
Beetle third regular member of the club can become the basis for its decision individual who identifies with the purpose Beetle main activity of the club and intends to contribute to the fulfillment of common interests with other members of the club Beetle.
4. The admission as a full member of the Executive Committee on the basis of a written application submitted by the applicant for membership. The Executive Committee specifying the content of the application and the method of its administration.
Fifth associate member may be a natural person or a legal person who for any reason are unwilling or unable to become a full member, but would like to participate in the activities of the Beetle club and contribute to the fulfillment of its purpose.
6. The admission as an associate member of the Executive Committee at the request of candidates for associate membership.
Seventh honorary member can only be a natural person who is his long meritorious activities and significantly contributed to the activities of the Beetle club or who has achieved extraordinary success in the sport.
8. The Honorary Membership General Meeting decides that his award requires the consent of the person to be given.
9. Brouk klub vede seznam členů. Zápisy a výmazy týkající se členství provádí výkonný výbor a ten také odpovídá za řádné vedení seznamu členů. Příslušné údaje se zapisují či vymazávají bez zbytečného odkladu poté, kdy se o nich výkonný výbor prokazatelně dozví. Seznam členů může být veden elektronickou formou. Další podmínky vedení seznamu členů, včetně údajů, které jsou o členech evidovány, stanoví svým vnitřním předpisem výkonný výbor.
10. Údaje o členech Brouk klubu mohou být zpřístupněny v nezbytném rozsahu střešní sportovní organizaci, které je Brouk klubu členem, a to v rámci plnění jeho povinností vůči této střešní organizaci. Dále mohou být zpřístupněny orgánům státní správy a územních samospráv, a to zejména v souvislosti s žádostmi o poskytnutí dotací či jiných příspěvků ze státního či jiného veřejného rozpočtu. Každý zájemce o členství v Brouk klubu podáním písemné přihlášky souhlasí s tím, aby údaje o něm vedené v seznamu členů byly tímto způsobem zpřístupněny.
11. Each member, including former receive on its request from the Beetle club at his expense confirmation with a list of members list containing information about yourself or confirmation that these data have been deleted.
B) the rights and duties
1. The scope of the rights and duties are determined by the type of membership.
2. Member rights that belong to all members:
a) participate in sporting, cultural and social activities Beetle club
b) be informed about the activities of the club Beetle,
c) participate in events, trainings and seminars, according to the conditions laid down for each event, provided that participation is not tied to a specific case only on a certain type of membership.
d) to enforce their opinions and make suggestions for activities Beetle club
e) participate in the proceedings of the Beetle club, if it is an activity or behavior that member,
f) change the nature of its membership, if they are to change the conditions under these statutes,
g) terminate your membership at any time.
3. Member rights which belong only ordinary members:
a) participate in the management Beetle club
b) to participate in the general meeting and to vote on its decisions, according to the principle of the establishment of the General Meeting either in person or through a representative of his section; if a natural person has the right individual to participate and vote at the General Meeting only after the age of 18 years,
c) the vote and to be elected to all elected bodies Beetle club conditions these statutes; in the case of natural persons that right after attaining 18 years.
4. Member obligations which are required to adhere to all members:
a) participate according to their abilities and skills to fulfill the purpose and main activities Beetle club
b) comply with the statutes and other internal regulations Beetle Club and basic standards of sportsmanship,
c) meet the resolutions and other decisions of the authorities Beetle Club
d) to conserve, protect and magnify assets used Beetle club to secure its activities and seek the good name of the club Beetle.
5. Member responsibilities that are required to comply only full members:
a) properly and timely pay the appropriate membership dues and other fees associated with the ordinary membership and activities of the Beetle club if the competent authority under the statutes Beetle club decided
b) properly perform the functions and duties to which he was elected or assigned to it.
C) Loss of membership
1. Membership in the club expires Beetle:
a) withdrawal of a member.
b) deletion of failure to pay the fixed membership fee, and if the fee is not paid or on a request for payment of an extended deadline for its payment; this fact will be notified member in the call. This call will be posted on the bulletin board Beetle club and in writing delivered to the Chair of the section as the contact person for members of the relevant section.
c) the exclusion of serious or repeated violations of statutes, other internal regulations Beetle club, resolutions and decisions of bodies Beetle club or other obligations of membership,
d) death of the natural person or the dissolution of a legal person,
e) termination of the Beetle club without a legal successor.
D) Termination of membership exclusion:
a) The exclusion of the reasons set out in the statutes of the Executive Committee. Decision on exclusion in writing sent to the expelled member at the home address / residence mentioned in the list of members or to his e-mail address you provided Beetle club.
b) A member may, within fifteen days of receipt of the decision to exclude propose that this decision reviewed by the General Meeting. Petition for review of a decision by expelled member in writing to the Executive Committee which shall submit the proposal to the General Meeting.
c) The General Assembly decision to expel a member either confirm or cancel. The decision to exclude canceled when this is against the law or the statutes.
1. Section is the basic organizational Beetle Article club, which has no legal personality.
2. Section is being set up by members belonging to a particular kind of sports industry, which is operated Beetle club, the age of members, according to the activities performed like.
3. The establishment and abolition of section decided by the General Meeting, which may also provide more operating conditions of the divisions within the Beetle club.
Assets and Financial Management
1. The source property Beetle Club are:
a) membership fees,
b) income from secondary economic activities carried out to support major operations,
c) income eventually achieved in relation to the main activities, notably in connection with the operation of sports facilities and organizing sports, sports, tourist and educational activities,
d) contributions and grants from umbrella organizations and sports federations,
e) grants and contributions from the state budget or other public budgets, grants etc.
f) dary
2. Majetek Brouk klubu je ve vlastnictví Brouk klubu jako celku. O převodech vlastnického práva k majetku kromě majetku nemovitého, i o jeho nabývání a pozbývání a o všech dalších dispozicích s ním, rozhoduje výkonný výbor. O veškerých dispozicích (nabývání, pozbývání apod.) s nemovitým majetkem rozhoduje valná hromada taktéž o přijímání úvěrů, půjček a o dlouhodobých pronájmech.
3. Bližší zásady hospodaření s majetkem Brouk klubu může upravit vnitřní předpis. Vnitřní předpis může rovněž blíže vymezit podmínky a zásady provozování vedlejší hospodářské činnosti.
4. V případě zrušení Brouk klubu bez právního nástupce bude provedena jeho likvidace za účelem vypořádání majetku. Likvidátora jmenuje valná hromada. Likvidační zůstatek po provedení likvidace může být použit pouze k veřejně prospěšným cílům s tím, že přednostně bude nabídnut právnické osobě s účelem a statusem obdobným účelu a statusu Brouk klubu. Jestli-že Brouk klubu obdržela účelově vázané plnění ze státního či jiného veřejného rozpočtu (dotaci, grant apod.), naloží likvidátor s příslušnou částí likvidačního zůstatku podle rozhodnutí příslušného orgánu poskytovatele tohoto účelově vázaného plnění.
Final provisions
1. The statutes were approved by the General Meeting on 3. 2. 2017.
2. The General Meeting authorizes the Beetle club executive committee to carry out its responsibility it formal amendments to the Articles, which must not change their factual nature. Following the call or decision of the registration court Executive Committee may remove all the defects of the Articles of Association to achieve their compliance with applicable legislation and to achieve registration in the Federal Register.
In Olomouc on 3. 2. 2017